If you are interested in a version in your language then you can always contact me. I will send you a file with the texts that you need to translate and I will add them to the application with a word of thank to you.
Site Manager gives you some tools to keep your WebSite up-to-date with little effort. At this moment there are 3 tools:
+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | |\__ * __/| | Site Manager | / .\ *** /. \ | | | ( _ \ * / _ ) | | +--| \_) (_/ |--+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | | | | /_____\ /_____\ | | [_______]_[_______] | E-Mail : noreply@debooy.eu | [_____] | Website: https://www.debooy.eu +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ v1.0.0 | 2014-09-30 23:05:54 java -jar SiteManager.jar [OPTION...] GenerateRSS Generate an RSS feed. GenerateSite Generate the website in a local directory. SynchroniseSite Synchronise the Website with the local directory.
You can force the language to English with the parameter -Duser.language=en just before the -jar parameter.
RSS is a way to keep the readers of your WebSite informed on new and changed pages.
Make a file in which you put the pages that you want to put under the attention through RSS. Such a file will look like:
channel.description=A description of the RSS channel.image=An image that you want to put on the RSS page channel.title=The title of the RSS home.dir=The local home directory home.url=The URL of the WebSite item1.title=Title of the item item1.description=Description of the item item1.link=The relative path of the link. It starts in the home.dir rss.name=Name of the RSS rss.stylesheet=The stylesheet of the RSS
There can be many item
s. Make sure that the numbers are consecutive.
+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | |\__ * __/| | Generate RSS | / .\ *** /. \ | | | ( _ \ * / _ ) | | +--| \_) (_/ |--+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | | | | /_____\ /_____\ | | [_______]_[_______] | E-Mail : noreply@debooy.eu | [_____] | Website: https://www.debooy.eu +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ v1.0.0 | 2014-09-30 23:05:54 java -jar SiteManager.jar GenerateRSS --inhoud=<properties file> --charsetin The characterset of <bestand> if it is different from UTF-8. --charsetuit The characterset of the output if it is different from UTF-8. --inhoud A properties file with the parameters and pages that must be present in the RSS feed. Only the parameter inhoud is mandatory.
The maintenance of a website takes a lot of time. It is not only the writing but also the loading on the internet. Apart from that HTML misses in my opinion something important: An <include> tag. You can to simulate it with a <FRAME> but this is not appreciated by many.
This is why I decided to create this tool that can do the following things:
file that includes all HTML files;On your PC you need 3 directories:
- This directory contains the HTML pagina's met de <include>
- This directory contains the files that are used in the <include>
- This directory contains all non-HTML pages and HTML pages without the <include>
tags. This directory is synchronised with the internet.This tool processes the sourcePages
directory and puts the result, with 'help' of the files from thesourceIncludes
directory, in the localSite
Beware that in the sourcePages and sourceIncludes directories only contain text files. A JPEG file will be copied as if it is a text file and is not displayed as JPEG any more on the website.
+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | |\__ * __/| | Generate Site | / .\ *** /. \ | | | ( _ \ * / _ ) | | +--| \_) (_/ |--+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | | | | /_____\ /_____\ | | [_______]_[_______] | E-Mail : noreply@debooy.eu | [_____] | Website: https://www.debooy.eu +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ v1.0.0 | 2014-09-30 23:05:54 java -jar SiteManager.jar GenerateSite --localSite=<directory> [OPTION...] --charsetin The characterset of <bestand> if it is different from UTF-8. --charsetuit The characterset of the output if it is different from UTF-8. --localOverview [true|FALSE] List of files on the local website. --localSite The directory of the local website. --siteURL The home URL of the website (without http://). --sourceGenerate [TRUE|false] Generate the local website? --sourceIncludes The directory with the includes. --sourcePages The directory with the source pages. Only the parameter localSite is mandatory. With sourceGenerate TRUE the parameters siteURL, sourceIncludes and sourcePages are mandatory.
With this tool you make sure that your WebSite becomes an exact copy of your local site.
+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | |\__ * __/| | Synchronise Site | / .\ *** /. \ | | | ( _ \ * / _ ) | | +--| \_) (_/ |--+----------+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | | | | /_____\ /_____\ | | [_______]_[_______] | E-Mail : noreply@debooy.eu | [_____] | Website: https://www.debooy.eu +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+ v1.0.0 | 2014-09-30 23:05:54 java -jar SiteManager.jar SynchroniseSite[OPTION...] --localSite=<directory with the local website> --force [true|FALSE] Always copy to website. --ftpHome The HOME directory of the website. --ftpHost The URL of the host of the website. --ftpOverview [true|FALSE] List of files on the website. --ftpPasswd The password for maintenance of the website. --ftpSync [true|FALSE] Synchronise website? --ftpType [ACT|pas] ACTive or PASsive FTP. --ftpUser The user for maintenance of the website. --localSite The directory of the local website. Only the parameter localSite is mandatory. The parameter localSite is only mandatory with ftpSync TRUE.
Version | Date | Modification |
1.0.0 | 2014/09/30 | Some bugs removed. First multi-lingual version. Available in Dutch and English. |
0.4.0 | 2012/04/21 | Some bugs removed. The tool is changed from 1 class to 1 class per tool. This makes maintenance easier. The output is reduced. Only changes are displayed on the screen. |
0.3.0 | 23/08/2010 | Creation of sitemap.xml added. |